"There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from"
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Shamanic Healing


Healing can help with ANY issue including:

  • Grief/loss
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Loss of energy or lack of motivation
  • Feeling ‘fragmented’ or ‘all over the place’
  • Before or after surgery
  • immune difficiency problems
  • Unhealthy connections to any
  • individual or family member
  • Accidents/traumas
  • Feeling empty or isolated
  • A general feeling of disconnection
  • Addictions

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to Humankind and was practised all over the world for at least 40,000 years. Many anthropologists believe the practice originated over 100,000 years ago. The word Shaman means ‘one who sees in the dark’ and comes from the Tungus tribe in Siberia. Shamanism is about respecting every person and every thing, recognising that all have a level of consciousness. It is about working in harmony with nature and all of life to bring balance to individuals, communities and the planet.

As a trained, experienced Shamanic practitioner I work as an intermediary between the Spirit worlds and this world and use techniques such as soul retrieval, power retrieval, spirit extraction and energy balancing in order to facilitate healing.


Soul Retrieval

When we undergo hurt, trauma or shock of any kind parts of our soul go away in order to protect us and so that we can survive the experience. This is helpful as long as the soul piece returns. However, when a soul part becomes lost, unwilling or unable to return problems can arise creating a condition called ‘soul loss’. Through Soul retrieval these parts are returned and healing takes place restoring the client to wholeness and balance, bringing back valuable life force which also boosts the immune system.


Spirit Extraction/clearing of intrusions

Spirit intrusions or energy emanations can enter our bodies and cause us to become ill or to feel disempowered. This can happen as a result of negative thinking or unresolved feelings that we have chosen to hold on to. An intrusion can also emanate from chronic self abuse or from a physical injury. Negative thoughts and feelings may be directed at us from others and act like ‘poison darts’ or ‘arrows’ that become trapped in our energy bodies, depleting and/or causing physical/psychological illness to manifest. We are more likely to attract such intrusions when our energy has been weakened and made vulnerable. Healing is through the removal or extraction of these energies and the return of power to the client.


Energy Balancing

The energy body can become affected by the general stresses or daily pressures of life. Illness can take it’s toll as can intense emotional states such as grief, anxiety and depression. Restoring power and balance is achieved by different techniques which operate at a non-physical level such as Chakra cleansing and balancing, forms of Light healing and Protection work.

Shamanic Healing can be booked as individual sessions or as part of the Spiral Serpent programme

"Louise is a committed and competent healer with a big heart.  She is highly dedicated to her goals of helping people to find their true Self and to manifest themselves on all levels.  Her work is guided by a solid foundation from years of study, high principles and a clear contact to Spirit."

Chris Luttichau  (Author, Shamanic Practitioner/Trainer and Founder of Northern Drum)

"Shamanic healing with Louise was a powerful experience.  Caring, supportive and deeply intuitive, Louise knew how to tailor the session to fit my own objectives.  The information which 'came through' to her during the session matched my own inner experience and helped me further.  I received so much more than I came for".

Elizabeth K - Somerset